Class: Halfedge

Core. Halfedge

new Halfedge()

This class defines the connectivity of a Mesh.

Name Type Description
vertex module:Core.Vertex

The vertex at the base of this halfedge.

edge module:Core.Edge

The edge associated with this halfedge.

face module:Core.Face

The face associated with this halfedge.

corner module:Core.Corner

The corner opposite to this halfedge. Undefined if this halfedge is on the boundary.

next module:Core.Halfedge

The next halfedge (in CCW order) in this halfedge's face.

prev module:Core.Halfedge

The previous halfedge (in CCW order) in this halfedge's face.

twin module:Core.Halfedge

The other halfedge associated with this halfedge's edge.

onBoundary boolean

A flag that indicates whether this halfedge is on a boundary.