new Solvers()
<static> residual(A, x)
Computes the residual of Ax - λx, where x has unit norm and λ = x.Ax.
Name Type Description A
module:LinearAlgebra.ComplexSparseMatrix The complex sparse matrix whose eigen decomposition
is being computed.x
module:LinearAlgebra.ComplexDenseMatrix The current guess for the smallest eigenvector
(corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue λ) of A.Returns:
- Type
- number
<static> solveInversePowerMethod(A)
Solves Ax = λx, where λ is the smallest nonzero eigenvalue of A and x is the
corresponding eigenvector. x should be initialized to a random complex dense
vector (i.e., x.nCols() == 1).Parameters:
Name Type Description A
module:LinearAlgebra.ComplexSparseMatrix The complex positive definite sparse matrix
whose eigen decomposition needs to be computed.Returns:
The smallest eigenvector (corresponding to the
smallest eigenvalue λ) of A. -
<static> invert2x2(m)
Inverts a 2x2 matrix.
Name Type Description m
module:LinearAlgebra.DenseMatrix The matrix to be inverted.